Dear future hubster,
when a relationship ends, there's grief, and loss, and sadness. For what just ended, for what used to be but won't be again, for what has to be different now.
And also a bit for all the relationships that ended before. It's hard to not think of all the other ones that haven't worked out. It's hard to not think that we've been here before, that there's nothing new in that they, too, have to leave. Here on my own again.
But then, supposing that it wasn't a particularly ugly ending, there's also that quietly grateful inventory of all the ways that person and that time impacted our lives. All the things we now know that we wouldn't know without them, all the little rituals, the things we now find funny, the person we see in the mirror.
Here's another person who brought joy and beauty to my life. Here's another person whose life I touched.
When we say we have baggage, I hope that includes the good stuff too. That we're happy to carry.
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