Dear future hubster,
I know I am like that history book on the shelf in that ABBA song and I am always repeating myself, but.
But I had a weekend of very little physical activity which almost logically means that I had a weekend of increased mental activity. In other words, I was thinking a lot. Plus, we also talked a lot.
About our preferences in men and women, about the alpha male we systematically fall for, and try to back up our bad choices by arguments of genetics and evolution. About dream jobs that would require significant amounts of savings because they are not exactly profit-generating. That, or a rich husband. And about female empowerment, about being independent women in a men's world.
I came to the same conclusion I've expressed before: the crucial element is to have the choice. It's all right to be independent in your work and then be submissive in bed as long as that's what you choose to be. It's your prerogative to choose a man who could take charge of all aspects of life, as long as you can point out the ones where he doesn't have to. It's OK to choose to be that proverbial drunk writer in Spain and let your man bring home the bacon (or cheese). Just the same as it's all fine, and should no longer cause a single raised eyebrow, to choose the complete opposite of all of the above. Choose being the keyword here.
This is my #HeForShe.
I know, I may have mentioned this before. The history book on the shelf.
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