Dear future hubster,
we have all been waiting for quite a while to be able to say "Go home, 2016, you're drunk", and in a few hours, we finally can.
But, carrying on with the analogy, don't you think that when a friend is getting out-of-control drunk, we usually see it a long time coming, and not just magically notice the damage done? And, depending on the relationship and the level of responsibility we feel, wouldn't we try to either intervene and stop the train from derailing completely or at least publicly acknowledge that there is a potentially dangerous situation?
It is no different with life and the universe on a larger scale. If you feel that 2016 was the shittiest in recent history, please take a moment to wonder whether you've done anything to make it any less awful. And maybe leave some room among your resolutions to do a little more next time around.
2016 got this drunk because we let it. 2017 will do the same if we let it. No point in blaming the barman for pouring more, or the government, the lack of public transport. No mysterious, transcendent power will save the day. It's your call, and mine, and everybody else's. We have to take note, take responsibility, take action.
It's not easy, I know. The world is complicated and scary; we don't know where to start, but we already know we're never going to finish.
2017 will come around no matter what. If we can manage it to a have a little fewer drinks, that's already an achievement.
Cheers to that!