Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The other parent

Dear future hubster,
you were talked about a lot today. On a strictly professional basis, I had to make up scenarios in which you are not Hungarian, or stay at home watering the plants, or stay behind at the duty station with the children until the end of the school year, or have a home country we go to on home leave. Or any combination of the above, you versatile hubster of mine. 
When discussing establishment of entitlements, I also made reference to Harry Potter. For good measure. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

And beyond

Dear future hubster,
when the parallel lines of I love you and you love me meet, will that mean that we've reached infinity? Will that be the end of everything, or the beginning of it all? 
Or is infinity just a synonym for never, a future that doesn't become present? 
Or have we been there already? That one point where parallel lines meet, have we passed it? Are we on the other side of infinity?