Monday, April 17, 2017

Sing with me, sing for the year

Dear future hubster,
when you tell me about your bucket list, your dreams, your goals, things you want to do one glorious day, I will take them seriously. 
I will evaluate them against (my) reality, and will categorise them as "doable as of tomorrow", "this is actually quite a plan", "requires significant amounts of time/money", "currently out of your control". Note that the categories are not fixed, and they are designed in a way that allows for and encourages progress. Meaning that "currently out of your control" can one day become "doable as of tomorrow".

Also note that the ones I consider within reach will be copied over to my list of "hubster's dreams in progress", so I always remember to support your working for them. 
My support being asking you time and again where you are with your plans and dreams and ideas, offering time and my two left hands, but also probing whether you still think those things are important. Especially if I see you putting them off. I can be annoying that way.

Also, if your dreams are attractive enough, I may simply adopt and make them a dream of my own. And invest my time and energy to try make them come true. I'd rather achieve them with you, but if you piss me off with talking about swimming accross that lake but never as much as buying swimwear, I'll just passive-agressively do it myself. 

To show you that I can. And if I can, you could too.

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