Thursday, August 13, 2015

Where your book begins

Dear future hubster,
when asked about your motivations, you need to consider the people. Fear, faith, dreams, and people.
People who believe in you and whom you don't want to disappoint. People who need you (I'm a big champion at that, going the extra mile because somebody needs me to).
But also people who don't believe in you. People you want to prove wrong, who try putting you down, who make you question whether you can actually do it. They ignite the famous „watch me” reaction, and that, dear future hubster, often makes you do great things.
The there are those you admire, those you look up to. Their mere existence is inspirational, but it goes further. You want to grow, to be better at who and what you are, because you want to be good enough for them. (Ironically enough, you probably have always been good enough for them, but that's a whole different story.)
And then, my favourite group: those who don't really care. They are motivational, and you know why? Because you can change that! You can turn their "whatever" to "why not", to "fine". Sometimes, yes, it will become a "no way in hell", but that's still better than the original "meh". 
Oh I love me some indifferent people. They are a goldmine of possibilities. And that, dear future hubster, is what really is motivational. To see a pool of unexplored possibilities. 

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