Friday, February 28, 2014

Dear future hubster,
the selection panel for the casting of the movie that will be produced based on the novel I'm writing about the ordinary drama of my everdays (appropriately titled Story of My Life) is set up. They are currently debating which character should be played by Ryan Gosling.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dear future hubster,
here's a list of songs that remind me of boys who have been important in my life. In chronological order, and without further explanation.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dear future hubster,
sooner or later, there will have to be a make-or-break road trip. The one driving chooses the music.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dear future hubster,
sometimes, the amount of good music that I have stocked on my computer amazes even me. Then I congratulate myself for my excellent taste, and give a free singalong show to my neighbours. I'm sure I would rock Nic Martha's Got Talent. It would be a pseudo-reality show where participants are rated on their impromptu performances that serve as a background to housework. I would definitely be killer in the kitchen theme episode, and would have good chances when the night would be about "Music I iron to". Shower-singing is so old.